"Ideas are the new technology." 864.448.4169
Strategy, process, creativity and GROWTH.
"Ideas are the new technology." 864.448.4169
Strategy, process, creativity and GROWTH.
Loyd has programmed in small, medium, large and major markets in the U.S. and was the Senior Ratings Strategist for a major stealth marketing company for over a decade working directly with the ratings teams of virtually every major broadcast company and many local broadcasters coast to coast. He regularly created innovative contests, marketing strategies and data-driven solutions for unique ratings challenges broadcasters regularly face during that time. He currently serves as the president and CEO of Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC) and provides coaching for both on-air and sales talent, music research, station architecture and branding. He is host of The Encouragers™ The Radio Rally™ podcast (Apple, Audible, Spotify), writes a weekly column for RadioInk.com and has written almost 1,000 articles of encouragement to “encourage radio pros at all levels” on his company website. Today Loyd lives in Fort Myers, Florida with his wife Theresa and their dog Spiderman.
Where most branding and programming or ratings consulting practices will tell you their goal is to increase your ratings, that's only part of our focus. Our real mission is to increase the revenue of our local radio clients and give them a real and meaningful edge against corporate competitors by sharing strategy, behavior, process and specifics that always lead to more revenue.
At RainmakerPathway.com (RPC), we believe that collaboration is key to success. It's not part of our program to change who you are. Our job is to help you multiply your success. We work closely with our clients to understand their challenges, goals and to develop solutions that are tailored to their unique needs. Our approach is transparent, results-driven, and designed to help local radio thrive.
We Help You
While there is less help today than ever to help local radio, we help you for about $33 dollars a day. We are a Value Multiplier for local radio. See how we positively impact both programming and sales. 864.448.4169.
Loyd Ford has more depth of experience than only programming. His history in the broadcast business blessed him with working for those who focus on product that leans into revenue generation and profit center focus. Beyond his programming career in small, medium, large and major markets, Loyd has been involved in development, direct sales, the launch of his own digital pure play site, podcasts and helping consult on an app for the concert business in the U.S.
The Plan, The Process + Execution Adds Value
Loyd works directly with clients on strategy, process, behavior, encouragement and culture leading to higher revenue and profit margins. 864.448.4169
In addition to Loyd's direct programming experience and his experience working with so many strategic ratings team from large and small American broadcast companies in the U.S., Mr. Ford has many years of experience with individual market data, strategic direct mail, social media, viral email and more that literally means that he has knowledge and skills looking at the data in your market and sharing insights about listeners, listener behavior and identifying opportunities to shape-shift listening patterns. When you work with Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works, LLC you'll have additional reassurance of having someone on your team that can look under the hood and see what is really happening in your market. Call for a free and confidential consultation to get your ratings moving. 864.448.4169
We are a branding company designed to help you grow your brands. Radio brands will always be able to grow value, but radio commodities are temporary. They will die. Don't die. Call a branding expert from RPC now. 864.448.4169
At RPC, we don't rely on opinion to determine music selection; we have a lab process for determining the correct music DNA for your station, your market.
We don't reform your talent into our image; we meet your talent where they are and find out what makes them special, then we leverage that for ratings & revenue growth.
We don't tell clients what to do; we work for you. And that means we love to explain the Whys of our strategy. This makes a world of difference for your talent and your sales team.
We don't deal in opinion. We are 'people first, process and strategy based in science next, encouragement and passionate execution to deliver compelling quality content and revenue impacting product.'
Before the first shot is fired. We know that everyone makes mistakes. This is why we use a scientific approach to music, a design approach to the architecture of the station and an art approach to coaching talent.
It's not just being a better station than your competitor - it's about standing out, breaking out, fame development and making sure our clients have opportunity to build strong brands. That always turns into more revenue.
Some companies are stuck in a rut; get out with strategic advice that will make your company money.
Loyd Ford was asked to appear with Kipper McGee and David Martin on 'Brandwidth On Demand' to talk about radio, the risk to radio related to branding, the unique opportunity local broadcasters have right now and generating more revenue and profit margin in the future with strategy.
Copyright 21st Century Tredegar and RPC. All rights reserved. 864.448.4169 - Ford@RainmakerPathway.com An Absolutely Different Kind Of Radio Programming Consultant.
Growth powered by Smart Local Radio Companies
We don’t believe in limiting ourselves or our clients. That’s why we work with clients in more traditional programming advice, resources and strategies and help them leverage improvements to grow their revenue focusing on idea creation, sales coaching, engagement and accountability.
You've been alone long enough. First consultation is free and confidential. 864.448.4169 of Ford@RainmakerPathway.com .
Strategy – Process – Resources To Win!