"Ideas are the new technology." 864.448.4169
Strategy, process, creativity and GROWTH.
"Ideas are the new technology." 864.448.4169
Strategy, process, creativity and GROWTH.
On music stations music is 70% of your product. It has to be right and RPC provides clients will full music library reviews in spring and fall and recurrent class reviews each winter and summer. Everything begins with our Music Lab™. In addition, we provide timely current music updates and additional resources to keep you on track for the best ratings. With our services, we can also provide fully produced daily music logs for you and your team if you need.
RPC strongly believes in working with morning shows to bring out what is best about their talent and elevate their opportunity for growing fame in your market. RPC does this with our Morning Show Fame Development™ Coaching. We work with talent on their presentation on air, the development of what we call the Rotating Content Clock™, how their brand is presented (with our Branding Candy™) and what they can do to build fame outside of their on-air.
It's not only the morning show that benefits from coaching. Every show has a special purpose and getting the most out of your talent is more important than ever. We provide help that encourages and manages your talent opportunities (live or voice track). If you need voice track services, we can provide that, too.
Think about what has changed. Marketing isn't done the way it used to be done and much of that wouldn't work like it used to back then. What is appropriate today? At RPC, we provide resource opportunities for external marketing and database approaches to lift your brand value. Marketing doesn't always mean just spending money either. There are smart things you can do to get attention today and get ahead. That's where we focus at RPC for our clients.
In the old days, it was programming vs sales. Today, your team has to pull together and the ultimate goal is: Profit. That serves everyone. RPC consistently brings sales opportunities and helps by bringing client strategies that turn into money. Your business is about having great market presence and turning that presence into higher revenue dollars - this is what we help clients do regularly at RPC.
RPC builds station architecture that helps stations win. We can provide a wide variety of resources for anything you can imagine associated with the growing of a radio property, including our exclusive Branding Candy™. We can also provide voice track solutions, website content structure, social media, digital content advice and more.
Are you looking to improve your ratings and revenue? Do you have a market that is different than cookie cutter national advice you hear? No one ever wins by copying the leader. We review YOUR situation, competitive environment and format opportunities and take action that gets results. When you want a brand builder that leverages brands into dollars, call RPC: 864.448.4169
While we do help align and focus your product, coach your talent and make sure you are playing the best testing music to boost ratings, we also come with ideas and opportunities for sales to encourage revenue every month. We help you build market presence and leverage that into more dollars at RPC. 864.448.4169
Gone are the days of putting on a really good product and being #1. Today, you have to separate yourself from competitors (in a good way) and create an on-air environment and sales strategy that makes your product stand out and above the rest. We are the double-bottom line consultant that truly helps you build market presence and leverage that into higher revenue. 864.448.4169
This Is What Makes Us Different
The easiest thing for me to do is share what makes me different in my approach for helping local broadcasters. As I tell it, I have zero talent, but I am grateful to have four (4) very specific gifts.
1. Encouragement – I am a natural encourager. This isn’t the pie-in-the-sky encouragement. I am specifically talking about the casting of a vision and developing support around you and your entire team of individuals pulling your local radio brand up, up, up with the strategy and principles we discuss and put into play for your local radio brand to bring you higher ratings and more intensive revenue.
2. Strategy – I learned use of strategy starting when I was only 6 years old and it is a story worth hearing if you are interested. But I see everything in life through strategy. How a thing is built. I have an unusual ability to see what will work for your local brand and to use strategy to unravel your competitors simultaneously.
3. Behavior – As embarrassing as it may be, I have studied human behavior, motivation and human weaknesses all of my adult life. It is a fascination that helps my clients in a variety of critical ways that gives them an unfair advantage in their local radio market.
4. The Powerful Creation Of Momentum - Momentum is powerful; we know this from sports, but it's equally powerful in business. This includes use of assertiveness and proper timing and use of aggression when it is called for in your market. Most of radio is now homogeneous; we recommend you don't stay there with your local brands.
These four gifts result in continuous advantages for our clients.
We are servants of our clients and focused on improving their revenue and the real value of their business. If you need someone who will roll up their sleeves and help you get “it” done while bringing the value of your local radio brand back affordably, call us. 864.448.4169.
--Loyd Ford, Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC)
Music Safe Lists - Sphere Of Influence™ Localization - Music Scheduling -
Branding Candy™ - Station Architecture - Morning Show Fame Development™ Coaching - Voice Tracking + Voice Trackers - Promotions + Sales Ideas - Image Writing - Problem-Solving - Encouragement
Copyright 21st Century Tredegar and RPC. All rights reserved. 864.448.4169 - Ford@RainmakerPathway.com An Absolutely Different Kind Of Radio Programming Consultant.
Growth powered by Smart Local Radio Companies
We don’t believe in limiting ourselves or our clients. That’s why we work with clients in more traditional programming advice, resources and strategies and help them leverage improvements to grow their revenue focusing on idea creation, sales coaching, engagement and accountability.
You've been alone long enough. First consultation is free and confidential. 864.448.4169 of Ford@RainmakerPathway.com .
Strategy – Process – Resources To Win!