"Ideas are the new technology." 864.448.4169
Strategy, process, creativity and GROWTH.
Your programming consultant should do more than help you improve your brand; we help you find revenue growth, too.
"Ideas are the new technology." 864.448.4169
Strategy, process, creativity and GROWTH.
Your programming consultant should do more than help you improve your brand; we help you find revenue growth, too.
Making A Difference Is Being Different
Many have heard of Lloyd’s Of London one way or another.
Most people think Lloyd’s is a bank. Surprisingly, Lloyd’s is not a bank. It’s something different and the smartest people know they offer something different to clients vs. what everyone else is doing. It’s the same with RPC. We help clients with all things programming, including specialized resources such as voice tracking, supplying music logs, music safe lists and talent coaching, but our value is multiplied by the fact that we also work with our clients to help them grow revenue. That includes bringing fresh ideas, strategies, what we call “alternative universes” of thinking and coaching the talent you really worry about: Your sales talent.
Our work can help you with brand, trust and relationships that translate into transformational revenue growth. 21st Century requires new thinking, opening of fresh opportunity and often an external voice to help you consider more options to solve your problems and grow your business.
Work with Loyd on your next project. More revenue. Find out more anytime. 864.448.4169.
If your revenue has been struggling, you want to get on a new path to growth.
Without growth, confidence takes your business further in the wrong direction.
We "idea" every day for our clients + ideas are money. Give your team fresh encouragement backed by powerful strategy and ideas that expose your team to growth.
Got Questions? Please reach us at ford@rainmakerpathway.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
There is an entire new new generation of advertisers and buyers that simply won't respond as well to the 20th Century radio story. And we're almost 25 years into the 21st Century. What's the solution? New ways to recruit sellers, coaching air talent so they can become lethal endorsers and help your sales team. Radio needs to be repositioned successfully today for the future; that’s what we do for local radio clients at RPC.
It's pretty simple. You won't have the revenue discussion with other programming consultants. That's because they work on product alone; we are branding specialists at RPC. We bring new ideas, work with you on development of strategy for both programming and sales and we help you with your product and how that product is leveraged for more revenue growth.
You've heard this a million times: If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up somewhere else. But things are worse now. If you don't have a strong vision, new creative ideas and real strategy to support strong culture in your organization, strengthen your local brands and lift your sellers with encouragement and focus on fundamentals (along with consistent fresh ideas), you lose today. That makes us a smart choice to help your team. First consultation is free. 864.448.4169 or Ford@RainmakerPathway.com. We help you grow revenue and that makes us unique.
Welcome to our website for RPC. If you are working in radio today, you are working more than one job (and maybe more than two). Less resources, less employees around you. What do you need?
We believe you need a Multiplier.
We are a Multiplier that works with local radio to help people just like you grow more value for their efforts, and we do this work on both sides of the business.
· Encouragement
· Sales and Employee Culture
· Missional analysis for your sales team
· Sales Strategy
· Owning The Ground™ Strategy
· Ideas (people buy ideas)
· Sales Coaching
· Proper positioning for local radio brands so they collect the most revenue today
· Music integrity for music stations with our Music Lab™
· Generation and delivery of music logs if you need that
· Morning show coaching and personality coaching
· Promotion ideas to generate attention and capture higher profile for individual brands
· Brand creation or updating for the 21stCentury
· Station architecture designed to electrify your local brands
Great sports teams have an offense and a defense. It takes both to be a consistent winner.
Great radio stations are brands and they have a culture and team that is focused on the real prize: Being the advertising problem-solvers in their market.
We do our work on the sales side of the business encouraging revenue increases with ideas, coaching as opportunists and attitude evangelists. We work on the programming side to make certain you are positioning correctly (to collect the most revenue), that you have the right content on-air to compel people to seek out your brand or brands and we help coach your talents on-air and on the street to make sure your results multiply.
See what ideas, encouragement, strategy, behavior and momentum can do for you “on both sides of the ball.”
We are confidential and market exclusive for radio. Reach out anytime Ford@RainmakerPathway.com.
We are open to the industry because our purpose is to help all of radio. We are especially focused on local radio (and you know who you are). We want to help every single independent and "encourage radio pros at all levels." Of course, we give more to our clients, but you will see on this site that we give a lot for free.
Look around this site. It's actually worth your time. We give away a lot for free because we are encouragers for local radio. We are passionate about helping local radio regain confidence and grow revenue and profit today while strengthening your tomorrow. How do we do that?
· Check out our free weekly podcast The Encouragers™ The Radio Rally™ podcast (Apple, Audible, Spotify); it’s free and designed to “encourage radio pros at all levels.”
· Our weekly podcast also launches a free quarterly sales event designed “to help local sellers – even those we don’t know – grow more revenue and income in each coming quarter.”
· Please subscribe to RadioInk.com and experience my weekly free sales column there.
· Spend a few moments or more with the tab at the top of this page called Radio Blog.
· Subscribe to our free only-once-a-month Audio eBoost™ newsletter to have resources and ideas drop in your email once a month.
Notice all the free ways we can help you?
That’s because we believe in the theory of abundance. We are sincere in that we want to help what we are passionate about: Local Radio Success.
We also believe you will want more and we have so much more for our clients.
Traditional consulting as you may have known it in the past is dead.
The business has changed. Listeners and clients for radio have changed.
If you think about it, you have less people around you in the business today. In fact, you are probably doing more than your job and maybe more than several jobs while the business struggles to pull ahead with clients, revenue and profit like it did historically during your career.
We are confidential and market exclusive for radio. Reach out anytime Ford@RainmakerPathway.com.
Reach Loyd anytime. 864.448.4169 or Ford@RainmakerPathway.com. Don't just read us. Subscribe free to Loyd's exclusive weekly radio only podcast called The Encouragers™ The Radio Rally™ podcast (Apple, Audible, Spotify).
Read more of Loyd's radio sales columns @ RadioInk.com anytime.
What can we do for you?
864.448.4169 - Ford@RainmakerPathway.com
Loyd Ford was asked to appear with Kipper McGee and David Martin on 'Brandwidth On Demand' to talk about radio, the risk to radio related to branding, the unique opportunity local broadcasters have right now and generating more revenue and profit margin in the future with strategy.
Country is a format that is in a state of change and movement. Having the right music and the right solutions for on-air is critical today. 864.448.4169.
The first question is usually: What kind of Classic Hits station should we be? Selection could be the difference between growing ratings or being so-so. 864.448.4169.
If you don't get the music and the approach right for this audience with a Hot AC, you just won't win today. 864.448.4169.
The Rainmaker Pathway Music Lab™
Sphere Of Influence™ Localization
Morning Show Fame Development™ Coaching
Free ideas, strategies and opportunities for you from RPC.
We are a branding company and we also help local broadcasters by providing a creative + affordable strategic partner that literally changes the value of your local radio assets: RPC can provide everything from daily music logs to voice trackers, ideas for sales + promotion that move revenue. 864.448.4169.
Please reach us at ford@rainmakerpathway.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
RPC isn't old school. We bring 21st Century Solutions to problems you face now. Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC) helps local broadcasters make more money by being an affordable programming partner who can fully develop the right position for your local brand or brands, coach your morning and other talents, design and execute station architecture, provide weekly music updates and even produce your daily music logs, provide excellent voice trackers, sales and promotions ideas that move the needle and more. We are confidential and market exclusive for radio. Reach out anytime Ford@RainmakerPathway.com. Plus, our clients say we literally encourage their local sellers, help local team members keep momentum high. Everyone can use encouragement.
Our goal is to help you generate more money than you pay us. But, yes, our services are affordable. We work on projects that are interesting to us. We are hired by individual talent, radio, other media companies, TV newscasters, podcasters and in a variety of areas you might not expect. So, yes, we are affordable. Our goal remains the same: Brands break out by being different in a good way. We are skilled at fame development and helping others see the world differently. Call us. 864.448.4169. Find out for yourself. There are no wrong answers; just better answers we find together. We focus on earning our way onto your team everyday.
Data is different in every market. Why shouldn't your market be different? What we do works because it is based on best practices, modeling, the best research and time proven experience to help our clients become more elite vs. the competition they face everyday. RPC works because we don't offer old school style one-size-fits-all-cookie-cutter-consulting. We help you develop your real brands and carve out a protective moat around your success. We do a lot to make sure the lives of our clients are just easier. Free yourself to go on the offensive. See for yourself. 864.448.4169. If you have all kinds of real estate on your local radio stations (where you have no talent and only recorded liners between songs), your brand doesn't exist or it won't for long. You won't matter soon. Turn away from this practice. You can do better and it does not have to be costly. *Call us; we can help. 864.448.4169.
The podcast is available right now on Apple, Audible, Spotify or almost anywhere you get your podcasts.
We offer free tips and encouragement for on-air talent and RPC is available to coach your morning show or other high profile personalities.
Tools that help our clients win. Strategy that separates your local brand from others in your format and others in the general market. Come see for yourself with a free consultation. 864.448.4169.
Music Safe Lists - Sphere Of Influence™ Localization - Music Scheduling - Station Architecture - Morning Show Fame Development™ Coaching - Voice Tracking + Voice Trackers - Branding Candy™ - Promotions + Sales Ideas - Image Writing - Problem-Solving - Rotating Content Clock™ - Encouragement
Get our free ideas. We don't mind - they will lead you to give us an opportunity to serve your team.
Fresh Free Content Weekly - A branding consultant that also helps sales.
Ratings Strategy – Digital Content Strategy – Problem Solving – Revenue Support - Encouragement
Copyright 21st Century Tredegar and RPC. All rights reserved. 864.448.4169 - Ford@RainmakerPathway.com An Absolutely Different Kind Of Radio Programming Consultant.
Growth powered by Smart Local Radio Companies
We don’t believe in limiting ourselves or our clients. That’s why we work with clients in more traditional programming advice, resources and strategies and help them leverage improvements to grow their revenue focusing on idea creation, sales coaching, engagement and accountability.
You've been alone long enough. First consultation is free and confidential. 864.448.4169 of Ford@RainmakerPathway.com .
Strategy – Process – Resources To Win!